Milligan College freshman receives community service award

Freshman communication major Chase McGlamery said he did not even know the community had even nominated him for the award, so when he got the phone call saying he had won, he said it was a big surprise.

“I did not even really apply,” McGlamery said. “It was a secret process.”

A freshman at Milligan College, McGlamery received the honor of being Johnson County’s student representative for the Governor’s Volunteer Stars award, a state-wide initiative recognizing college students and adults for their dedication to serving their communities.

McGlamery said he got the call in December 2018.

“It was a really big honor,” he said.

In fact, McGlamery was so surprised about the award, he said he did not want to be in the spotlight for the achievement, so until Milligan College sent out a press release highlighting his award ceremony, he said only about three other friends even knew he received it.

“I do not like being in the spotlight,” he said.

He and his family attended an award ceremony in Franklin, Tenn., in recognition of his achievement.

“The doors opened at noon,” he said. “Every county had one adult and one student representing them.”

He said in high school alone, he put in thousands of service hours all the time, many of them in his local church in Mountain City: First Christian. He said he does volunteer work at their praise teams well as Bible school groups.

“I encourage people to find their niche, something you enjoy doing, and use that to give back,” McGlamery said.

For McGlamery, that niche is on the technical side. At Milligan, this has translated into assisting on the lighting and sound section of the school’s theater as well as his local theater in Mountain City. He also continues to serve in his former high school: Johnson City High.

“I do not like to sit around,” he said. “If someone asks for help, I do not immediately ask what they will pay me.”

McGlamery is currently pursuing a major in communication, with a concentration in Public Relations and Advertising. Along with a potential minor in business administration, he said he hopes to use his education to continue giving back to his community no matter what.

“It was an honor, but it was not possible without the community,” McGlamery said. “It was amazing to see all the opportunities there are to serve.”


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