Church News

Operation Christmas Child event scheduled locally Monday, Aug. 15

The Samaritan’s Purse project Operation Christmas Child collects shoebox gifts filled with fun toys, school supplies and hygiene ...

Church News

Church Briefs

Sims Hill Christian Sims Hill Christian Church will have homecoming Sunday, Aug. 7. There will be no Sunday ...

Church News

Is it OK to get angry?

“It’s OK to get angry in certain situations,” says Nicole, age 9. “For example, when your baby sister ...

Church News

The meaning of ‘perfect’ in 1 Corinthians 13:10

Question: Could you please explain what the “perfect” is in 1 Corinthians 13:10? Answer: Paul wrote, “But when ...

Church News

Church Briefs

Grace Baptist Grace Baptist Church, 1114 Broad St., will have a TeamKid and Youth on Mission Kick-off Party ...

Church News

Church Briefs

First Presbyterian First Presbyterian Church, 119 W. F St., Elizabethton, will have both an in-person and online worship ...

Church News

What did Jesus mean when He said, ‘Knock and it will be opened to you’

“I keep on asking my mom if I can play Nintendo, and she finally says yes,” says Clyde, ...

Church News

Living life intentionally

The word intentional means to do something on purpose with a plan of action. How can we live ...

Church News

Are you covered by God’s ‘Eternal Life’ insurance?

There are various types of insurance available in our world that one my purchase if they are willing ...

Church News

What can we learn from suffering?

“We learn that even though something bad may happen, in the end, something good will happen,” says Elizabeth, ...

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