Unaka’s Mason Wilson signs with Milligan University

Published 9:58 am Friday, September 27, 2024

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By Ron Marvel

Star Correspondent

Determination is defined as firmness in purpose or resoluteness. When coaches and family members talk about Unaka High School senior Mason Wilson, that adjective is used repeatedly. There may not be a better word to describe him. It’s that determination that led him to become one of the best school golfers in Northeast Tennessee, it’s that determination that has earned him a perfect 4.0 GPA, and it’s that determination that got the attention of Milligan University’s head golf coach, Tony Wallingford.

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In front of coaches, friends, and family, Wilson put ink to paper and will hit the greens next year as a Buffalo. The journey for Wilson started with just a simple desire; Wilson wanted to do something besides basketball. In his four years, Wilson’s determination took him from a golfer who was scoring consistently above 100 to a golfer who is more than capable of finishing below par. Last week, he took the Region 1 District Title with a score of one over par; and one of his first comments was that it was far from his best golf. That desire to consistently push himself was a quality that Coach Wallingford noticed, “Just overall, he is just a great young man and his work ethic and determination give him the potential to be a great golfer; we are just excited to have him,” Wallingford shared.

Mason acknowledges his family, friends, and coaches that deserve a lot of credit. “My family, friends, and coaches have meant so much; their support along the way has made all the difference,” Wilson stated. Mason enjoys reflecting on his time as a Ranger but he is quick to say he has more work to do. “I want to win the Regional Title and then make a run at State, but Morristown is a tough course; you have to hit greens and putt. Whoever makes the least mental mistakes will probably win,” Wilson stated. When you look at the long list of first-place finishes Wilson has in the Tri-Cities from Pine Oaks to Patriots Hills, not to mention a previous first-place finish at the Morristown CC, a Regional Title is definitely within his grasp.

In addition to golf, Wilson also is an integral part of the Unaka Rangers basketball team; he has been their starting point guard for three seasons and has been an All-Conference player the past two seasons. So, when he’s not draining 40-foot chip shots (and yes, I witnessed one!), he’s draining three-pointers. As a matter-of-fact, last year, he was one of the leaders in the area in three-point shooting.

But with Mason, it’s not just sports; he has been on the yearbook committee and has been a class officer the previous three years. His growth, determination, and leadership are what stand out to his golf coach at Unaka, Travis Sommers. “His determination and drive are what make Mason special. When he sets his mind on something, he is relentless. It has been incredible watching him grow up. I have known him since the sixth grade and have got to watch him become the awesome young man he is today,” Sommers shared.

Milligan University prides itself on character first. It has been named an NAIA Institutional Champion of Character Award Winner in the past, and Mason fits that mold. He is the high-character, on-and-off-the-field student-athlete Milligan strives for. The way Mason conducts himself on the greens has allowed him to make friendships wherever he goes; some of his competitors this year will be his teammates next year, and that brings a smile to his face when asked about it. Determination and hard work will make him a strong collegiate golfer; those qualities and others will make him an even better person!