Writer says Trump received unjust conviction in New York

Published 11:23 am Tuesday, June 4, 2024

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To the Editor:

Former President Trump was convicted in New York regarding 34 counts of falsifying business charges eight years ago. The trial was unjust and politically motivated and timed to make it hard for Trump to campaign. However, the conviction doesn’t end Trump’s campaign for president. Nothing in the U.S. Constitution prevents President Trump from running for and being elected president. It was unjust to not tell Trump what the charges were and elevate a misdemeanor to a felony. What Trump was charged with is normally just a fine.

Sentencing will take place on July 11 and it’s possible that Trump could be put in jail even though it is very rare for a first-time offender to receive jail time for this minor offense. Trump will appeal the charges and will win if it goes to the U.S. Supreme Court but that could take months and cause great chaos until then!

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Real Justice is of the highest importance to God. Psalm 89:14: “righteousness and justice are the foundation of Your throne.” Dealing with injustice is one of the hardest things for people to go through. God sees everything. (Psalm 139) God will punish all evil. (Proverbs 11 and Isaiah 13) The greatest injustice the world has ever seen was the death of Jesus on the cross and it worked for the most good. Jesus suffered so there would be justice and we could have a relationship with God the Father. Either Jesus pays for your sins and you go to Heaven or you pay for your sins forever in Hell. Either way there will be justice!

Regardless of Trump’s flaws and imperfections I will vote for Trump or whoever is the Republican because the Republicans show more love for America, the U.S. Constitution and the unborn. There are 70 million reasons why God isn’t going to make America great but is going to judge America. The Holy Bible makes it clear – no one is going to “make America great again” until after the seven-year tribulation and Jesus returns to make the entire world great again, as only Jesus can and only Jesus will!

Real justice comes from spreading the gospel. Christians know the gospel is Jesus died for our sins, was buried and rose again and is the only way to Heaven. Failing to speak the truth of the gospel is ultimately the greatest injustice of all. The human heart is the source of injustice so the gospel is the only real solution. Sharing the Good News should be our highest priority. The human right to know Jesus and make Him known is the greatest human right. Our highest calling is to spread the gospel – the only truth that has the proven power to positively change our world, by changing us from the inside out!


D.D. Nave
