February is Earthquake Awareness Month
Published 10:33 am Tuesday, February 21, 2023
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To the Editor:
According to www.ready.gov/earthquakes the month of February is Earthquake Awareness Month. “An earthquake is a sudden, rapid shaking of the ground caused by the shifting of rocks deep underneath the earth’s surface. Earthquakes can break water and gas lines and cause fires, tsunamis, landslides or avalanches. They can happen anywhere without warning.” February is a great time to prepare because more earthquakes happen in March than any other month. Out of the top 20 strongest earthquakes ever recorded 5 or 25 percent happened in March. An 8.4 hit Japan on March 2, 1933. An 8.6 hit Alaska on March 9, 1957. A 9.1 hit Japan on March 11, 2011. An 8.6 hit Indonesia on March 28, 2005. A 9.2 hit Alaska on March 28, 1964. Jesus said, “earthquakes in diverse places” is a sign of His soon return in Matthew 24.
Brent Miller Sr. at www.prophecywatchers.com studied all the 6.4 and higher earthquakes over the last 100 years and found they have skyrocketed just as the Bible said they would. We even had recent earthquakes in South Carolina. Hebrews 12 says at the end times God is sending a shaking. The shaking is to awake people to the fact time is running out before the seven-year tribulation starts. After the tribulation Jesus rules the earth. 1 Peter 4 says, But the end of all things is at hand: therefore be ye sober (clear minded and self-controlled) and watch and pray. And above all things have love among yourselves!
Earlier this month a deadly great earthquake of 7.8 magnitude struck Turkey near the border with Syria. It was the most deadly earthquake to hit the Middle East in almost 1000 years. The death toll passed 46,000 and continues to rise. There are over 87,000 injuries and 47,000 buildings damaged. We should pray for those who suffered loss and those there helping them. This is a great sign Jesus is coming soon. This quake can be a trigger for ongoing earthquakes across the Middle East for the future. This quake may have put into motion tectonic activity leading to the bigger ones to come, as prophesied in the Bible in Mt. 24:7 etc.
Most people don’t have earthquake insurance and worse, most people aren’t prepared. The time to prepare for any disaster is before it happens. During an earthquake you may have only seconds before strong shaking knocks you down or debris starts falling. Practicing helps you be ready to respond. Practice Drop, Cover and Hold On with family, schools and coworkers. That is, drop to the ground, take cover by getting under a sturdy desk or table and hold on until shaking stops. Look around now before an earthquake and identify safe places such as under a sturdy piece of furniture or against an interior wall in your home, office or school so that when the shaking starts you can respond quickly because you already have a plan. You can protect your home by securing heavy items like bookcases, mirrors, refrigerators, televisions, and objects that hang on walls. Store heavy and breakable objects on low shelves. Create a family emergency communication plan that has emergency phone numbers and out-of-state contacts. Plan where to meet if you get separated. Make a supply kit that includes food, water for a month, flashlights, a fire extinguisher and a whistle.
Experts say of all states only Tennessee, Kentucky and West Virginia are safe from tsunami, tidal waves and earth changes. You don’t want to live on the coast or in the big cities in these end days. New York and California have been the most pro-abortion and top states attacking Christians and the Bible. Don’t live in New York or California as they are due for God’s great judgment. God does many things at the same time. God can bring judgment while at the same time fulfill Bible prophecy. California built their nuclear plants close to the San Andreas earthquake fault. When the fault moves, much of California will be uninhabitable! The only thing more stupid is to say you don’t need Jesus and to not ask Jesus to forgive all your faults and sins!
We know the Bible is true because the Bible is the only book with hundreds of correct predicts of the future. Isaiah 17:1 says Damascus, Syria will be destroyed in the end days. Many believe Damascus will probably be destroyed by a nuclear weapon very soon. The magnetic north pole has moved more than ever before and could mean the pole shift is coming. The Day of the Lord (tribulation) is mentioned in Isaiah 2. It’s the day when God shakes terribly the earth. When man shall be humbled and brought low and when God alone shall be exalted! Humble yourself now and “seek the Lord Jesus while He may be found, call upon Him while He is near!”
D.D. Nave