Getting ready for the fall season…
Published 11:32 pm Friday, August 27, 2021
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StarPhoto/Larry N. Souders
Earl Waller works on tying a perfect knot for one of his flies just prior to doing a little fly fishing near the Wilbur dam.
StarPhoto/Larry N. Souders
With her owner Earl Waller working on tying a perfect knot for his fly fishing, Buffy stands guard in the drivers seat to make sure no one sneaks up on him.
StarPhoto/Larry N. Souders
Scott Treadway uses a reciprocating saw to power his way through a deck demolition in the backyard of a friends home.
StarPhoto/Larry N. Souders
After Scott Treadway (standing) has used a reciprocating saw to cut up pieces of a deck being demolished in the backyard of a friend, Richard Maraha rips up the cut planks the old fashioned way, with his bare hands and a little brute force.
StarPhoto/Larry N. Souders
Brylen Woodby, son of Elizabethton assistant football coach Jacob Woodby, gets in a few reps on the sidelines at a recent Cyclone JV game during the half.
StarPhoto/Larry N. Souders
Members of the five and six-year-old Elizabethton “Mighty Midgets” Cyclones work on a defensive drill that teaches them how to wrap up and tackling for their upcoming season opener.
StarPhoto/Larry N. Souders
Hadley Reed, a member of the five and six year old Elizabethton “Mighty Midgets” Cyclones, works on a defensive drill that’s called “Shock and Drive”. It teaches him how to drive through a blocker, wrap up and tackling a runner in the backfield at a recent practice in the park in front of Immanuel Baptist Church.
StarPhoto/Larry N. Souders
You know it’s always great to put a name with a face or a face with a name. For the past 16 months or so this guy, me, Larry Souders, has been approaching people all around Carter County asking you to pose, smile, or ignore him as he takes your photo for his weekly series called Out-N-About, and most all of you have complied. I’m also the guy you’ve seen on the sidelines capturing your student-athletes making those amazing plays for more than 15 years now. I just wanted to for once turn the camera on myself, a selfie if you will, and say “Thank you for letting me be a part of your world” and to remind you to smile when you see me because I’ll be seeing you around, out and about.
From doing those last-minute repairs to getting ready for seasonal sports as summer begins to quickly approach its end and fall is unbelievably around the corner, Carter County residents were found doing several activities over the last few days.
Star Photographer Larry Souders spent some time driving the highways of Carter County locating folks who were both at work and play in this edition of Out-N-About.