2020 Fall Roan Mountain Naturalists Rally scheduled for Saturday, September 12
Published 3:11 pm Thursday, September 3, 2020
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The Fall Roan Mountain Naturalists Rally has modified this year due to the Covid-19 pandemic. Instead of the usual three-day event, the rally will only be one day with no evening programs and no meals will be offered. We are planning to return to our regular schedule in 2021. One of the prior scheduled evening speakers,
Jerry Greer has agreed to provide his program, Forest for the Trees online. It will be available at https://www.friendsofroanmtn.org/ starting on September 11.
Field Trip participants will meet in the field adjacent to the cabins in Roan Mountain State Park for all trips. This year all trips are free and there is no printed brochure. The Trip options listed below can also be viewed on the Friends of Roan Mountain Website. Please consider supporting this and all of our rallies by joining the Friends of Roan Mountain or by donating.
Due to Covid-19, extra measures are being taken. Our first priority is to keep everyone safe. To meet recommended State of Tennessee and Roan Mountain State Park guidelines for safe COVID-19 protection for organizers, trip leaders and rally participants, the following measures will be taken:
1. Everyone will be required to maintain a safe distance of least 6 feet.
2. Everyone will be required to bring a mask and wear it where appropriate.
3. Hand sanitizers will be available.
4. Trip group size will be limited to 9 participants and 1 leader.
5. Pre-registration only for all events (participants will sign up online at https://www.friendsofroanmtn.org/ ).
Fall Roan Mountain Naturalists Rally Trip Options
Preregister at https://www.friendsofroanmtn.org/
6:30 a.m. Sunrise Photography – Jerry Greer (9 participants maximum)
Bring you camera to join award-winning Jerry Greer to photograph the sunrise on top of Roan Mountain.
8:30 a.m. Birding at Hampton Creek Cove – Phillip Hylen (9 participants maximum)
Join Roan Mountain State Park Ranger Philip Hylen viewing birds at Hampton Creek Cove State Natural Area, designated an “Important Bird Area” by the National Audubon Society. (Binoculars are recommended.)
8:30 a.m. Birding up to Carver’s Gap – Roy Knispel (9 participants maximum)
Join Roy viewing birds from Roan Mountain State Park to Carver’s Gap. (Binoculars are recommended.)
8:30 a.m. Mushrooms of Roan Mountain – Ken Crouse & Cindy Fowler (9 participants maximum)
On this trip you will have the unique opportunity of searching for and identifying mushrooms on Roan
Mountain with knowledgeable guides.
8:30 a.m. Useful Plants – Marty Silver (9 participants maximum)
Enjoy a ramble through a vegetation-rich corner of Hampton Creek Cove, as we share fascinating facts about plants useful to humans and to wildlife.
10:30 Mosses and Liverworts of the Roan – Jim Goldsmith (9 participants maximum) Join Jim exploring the mosses and liverworts on the Roan.
10:30 a.m. Nature Hike in Shell Hollow – Lisa Huff (9 participants maximum) Join Tennessee State Naturalist Lisa Huff on a Nature Hike in Shell Hollow.
10:30 a.m. Birding by Ear – Larry McDaniel (9 participants maximum) Learning bird songs and calls is an indispensable skill for birding.
10:30 a.m. Mammals of Roan Mountain – Cade Campbell (9 participants maximum) Join Cade in searching mammals on Roan Mountain.
1:00 p.m. Beginning Nature Photography – Ranger Monica Johnson (9 participants manximum)
Bring your camera & join Roan Mountain State Park Ranger Monica to learn about nature photography.
1:00 p.m. Identifying Plants in the Aster/Sunflower Family – Frosty Levy (15 participants maximum)
In this online Zoom event, participants will learn how to Identify, appreciate, and understand the pollinator importance of the diversity of the Aster/Sunflower Family. Prepare by having 3-5 flower specimens and any kind of hand lens/magnifier, and a small knife or safety razor.
1:00 p.m. Wildlife Tracking – Ranger Marty Silver (9 participants maximum)
Every wild creature leaves hints and signs of its daily behavior. Take a walk in the park as we learn to read tracks, dens, scats, and other clues to our wild neighbors.
1:00 p.m. Mushrooms of Roan Mountain – Ken Crouse & Cindy Fowler (9 participants maximum)
On this trip you will have the unique opportunity of searching for and identifying mushrooms on Roan Mountain with knowledgeable guides.
3:00 p.m. Salamanders – Tyler Wicks (9 participants maximum)
Join ETSU graduate student Tyler Wicks to explore the hidden world of salamanders on the Roan.
3:00 p.m. Butterflies and Other Insects – Larry McDaniel (9 participants maximum)
Join Larry on this trip in Roan Mountain State Park to view butterflies and other insects. (Binoculars are recommended)
3:00 a.m. Geologic Hike to Raven Rock – Jeremy Stout (9 participants maximum)
Jeremy Stout will lead a moderately strenuous 2+ mile hike where you’ll see evidence of volcanism, earthquakes, and prehistoric ecosystems long gone!
3:00 p.m. Pollinator Wildflowers – Ranger Phillip Hylen (9 participants maximum)
Join Roan Mountain State Park Ranger Phillip Hylen on this wildflower trip to Hampton Creek Cove.