Exchange your sin for Christ’s salvation

Published 2:53 pm Saturday, May 9, 2020

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From the writings of the Rev. Billy Graham
Dear Rev. Graham: America is talking about a mission to Mars. With all of the debt our nation has, with all of the problems in the world, why is it necessary to explore space? Nations seem to place greater value on this than on conquering earthly problems that haven’t been solved for centuries. — S.E.
Dear S.E.: It was reported several years ago that it would take 100 billion dollars to get one man safely to Mars. That is a staggering amount of money. It’s interesting how people place great value on things and experiences.
But God in His outpouring of love for mankind placed the value of one human soul at an incalculable price — the blood of His only Son in order to get just one soul to Heaven. Imagine. This priceless gift has not only saved one soul for eternity but a vast number that only God Himself knows. By tasting death for everyone, Jesus took over our penalty as He erased our guilt. This is God’s amazing forgiveness and love toward mankind.
We humans cannot see or touch the soul — but God can and does because He created it. The Bible says: “For what will it profit a man if he gains the whole world, and loses his own soul? Or what will a man give in exchange for his soul” (Mark 8:36-37).
Even as you read this you can submit your life to Christ Jesus by admitting your sin against Him, receiving His forgiveness, and asking Him to help you walk in a way that pleases Him.
This world is on a collision course, frantic about the future. But you can be filled with assurance that Jesus is with you every step of the way and will grant you peace and eternal life. Exchange your sin for Christ’s salvation. Receive Him today and He will show you how to live a valuable life with purpose.
(This column is based on the words and writings of the late Rev. Billy Graham.)

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