Back to where it started… Harold McCormick welcomes back EHS 2020 seniors with a parade
Published 2:19 pm Tuesday, May 5, 2020
With high school seniors seeing most of their final year wiped out due to COVID-19, one local elementary school wanted to let the students who began their schooling at the location to know that even though they are wrapping up their high school career, they will never be forgotten by the school where they received their early education.
On Sunday after former students of Harold McCormick Elementary lined up and were led by an Elizabethton Police officer to the school where many former teachers and family had gathered with balloons, signs, and a bag of goodies to honor their graduating seniors from EHS.
There were a mixed bagged of emotions on display as some laughed and waved while others dabbed at tears that formed in their eyes as they were welcomed with cheers as the parade proceeded through the student dropoff at the school.
“The parade was such an amazing gesture from Harold McCormick,” said EHS senior Carlee Sullins who was one of the students who were celebrated. “Even though we couldn’t come and do a senior tea, they still wanted to show their support for us.
“I was very emotional as I went through the parade. I shed a few tears and had a great time reflecting back on all my elementary school memories!”
And while the high school currently is working on a senior walk for each graduating senior where photos are being taken and compiled to be shown at State Line Drive-In on May 23rd for graduates and their families, little events like this go a long way in helping the seniors compile memories that won’t be forgotten during a historic time in their lives as they move on to a new phase.
Senior Kaylen Shell said, “It was really great to see all of my previous elementary school teachers from Harold McCormick, especially my Aunt Kristi Perkins.
“Also, I really enjoyed seeing all of my friends as well. It is awesome to know that we have people in our community doing everything that they can to make the Class of 2020 feel so special.”
Some of the students that participated in the parade took time out to spice up their vehicles with balloons, banners, signs, photos, and various other decorations to add to the festive celebration.