The Son’s light is greater than the Sun’s light

Published 8:24 am Friday, March 27, 2020

Sun was an important fact of life for all of Earth’s residents.
He warmed the skies and the earth, as well as human hearts. He was thankful for the job he was doing in the fulfillment of God’s call.
Gordon was fascinated by the fiery sphere which the earth regularly orbited. “You’re a great friend,” Gordon told a setting Sun one evening.
“Just doing my job, Gordon,” smiled a grateful Sun. “But I do appreciate the sentiment.”
Gordon’s wife, Gennifer, was also a big Sun fan. “You provide such a toasty part of my life,” Gennifer acknowledged. “I am very thankful that you faithfully fulfill God’s will every day with your comforting, healing rays. And our two children, Gail and George, love running around and playing in your warmth.”
“I am merely doing those things I was created to do,” Sun responded. “But it’s nice to be appreciated. I do notice that, in your daily prayers to the heavenly father, you thank Him regularly for me and the job I do. So, Gennifer, I truly appreciate your appreciation.”
Although Gordon and Gennifer were immensely thankful to God for Sun, some of Earth’s residents never took the time to thank God for him. They continually complained when he was a bit too hot or not hot enough.
Greg and his wife, Gem, were in this second category. “It seems to me that you shine much too brightly one day while allowing the clouds to hide you from view the next,” Greg whined.
“I wish you were hotter every day,” Gem moaned.
Sun told the couple, “I’m doing the job God created me to do. You should be more appreciative of me as a major blessing in your lives. Many people think I’m too hot all the time, while others feel I’m never hot enough.”
God told Sun He was proud of the job he was doing. “You always do my will, Sun,” said the Lord. “You never complain, and I always enjoy your warming smile.”
“Thanks, Lord,” Sun replied. “It’s an honor to continually serve you.”
One day, Sun reminded Greg and Gem they should be more thankful for him and be less critical of how he performed his job. “I am S-U-N, which all the planets in our solar system revolve around,” he said. “Jesus Christ, the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords, is the S-O-N. His light and life are much greater than mine. I hope you never disrespect Him like you disrespect me.”
Greg and Gem realized the error of their ways. They humbled their hearts and asked God for forgiveness. The warmth of the Son entered their hearts and they never again criticized the S-U-N or the S-O-N.
(To contact the writer of this column about speaking engagements, including Christian Comedy Fundraising Outreaches, Christian Creativity Seminars and/or puppet ministry, please email or

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