Christ gives the power to overcome every sin and habit
Published 8:51 am Friday, February 28, 2020
From the writings of the Rev. Billy Graham
Dear Rev. Graham: It is useless! I’ve tried my very best to not sin. I am an athlete and I know that in order to do well I have to be disciplined, but when it comes to my bad habits (sins) I am unable to conquer them, so what’s the use? — D.A.
Dear D.A.: Christ gives the power to overcome every sin and habit that weighs us down. But we must first belong to Him. Christ can break the ropes, fetters, and chains of sin, but we must repent, confess, commit, and surrender ourselves to Him, receiving His gift of salvation. He will even give us the power to repent if we humble ourselves. He is the One who gives us the ability to consciously and deliberately leave sin behind. He will change the direction of our lives, He will alter our attitudes, and strengthen us to yield to His will. But we must choose Christ and make Him Lord and Master.
Once God leads us in making this life-changing decision, we must not draw back. He goes before us and says, “Follow Me” (Matthew 4:19). Athletes understand the importance of discipline. Coaches can be demanding because they want their teams to be the best. God does not discipline us to subdue us, but to condition us for a life of usefulness. He puts reins on our wayward souls that they may be directed into the paths of right living.
Commitment means burning all the bridges behind us that do not glorify God, and there is a high price. To be a disciple of Jesus means to learn from Him and to follow His example laid out in Scripture. It may cost us our friends, it may cost some even their careers, but we must be obedient to Christ. He will not ask of us what He will not empower us to do, for He paid the ultimate price for such freedom.
(This column is based on the words and writings of the late Rev. Billy Graham.)