Senior couple receives ministry assignment from the Lord

Published 8:19 am Friday, January 17, 2020

Marsha and her husband Michael were looking forward to spring.
For this senior married couple, spring was a time of renewal. “We’re being given a new lease on life,” said Marsha.
“A brand new opportunity to thank God for another season to serve Him,” said Michael.
Michael and Marsha were both in their mid-60s and had been married for three decades. Through all of life’s ups and downs, they had grown to love each other more every day, and they had learned about the perpetual love of the Lord Jesus for them.
As the midway point of January came into view, both Michael and Marsha began to sense that the Lord was expanding their ministry. The couple had been active in the local church’s outreach ministry to the homeless population for several years. The Lord appeared to them in separate dreams and called them to expand that ministry.
“You’ve been faithful,” God whispered. “I want you to teach Christians in other churches about the seriousness of homelessness. I want you to raise up an army of believers and churches to build a homeless shelter to provide permanent housing for these precious people.”
The Lord directed Michael and Marsha to rent a local high school gym for the series of seven seminar sessions. The newspaper’s religion editor wrote a feature article about the couple’s new ministry, local Christian radio and TV stations also interviewed them, and they shared news of their new outreach on social media.
The seminar sessions were well attended and, at the conclusion of the seventh session, God commended them on their obedience. The final session included a potluck dinner, with all participants bringing food to share, filling many tables with delicious food. Michael asked Marsha to ask God to bless the food before everyone began eating. After everyone had eaten, Michael noticed that the tables were still full of tasty food. God had miraculously multiplied the food as He had in the New Testament.
Always available to respond to an opportunity at a moment’s notice, Michael asked all attendees to walk around the neighborhood and invite everyone to come to the school for a meal. Soon, the entire school gym was filled again with hungry people.
As the people filled their plates, Michael delivered a special message about an eternal home with the Lord. “In eternity,” he said, “you won’t ever be hungry, and you won’t ever have to worry about being without a home.”
“Sounds a lot like heaven!” shouted one voice from the crowd.
“It is heaven!” Michael responded. “And the new homeless shelter will be pretty heavenly, too. Now all we have to do is build it!”
(To contact the writer of this column about speaking engagements (in the U.S.A.), including Christian Comedy Fundraising Outreaches, Christian Creativity Seminars and/or puppet ministry, please type “Speaking Engagements” in the subject line and e-mail or

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