Being Biblically correct vs. politically correct

Published 8:34 am Monday, July 15, 2019

To the Editor:
We see much on the news concerning climate change or global warming. Alexandria Cortex, the lady running for president, says America will not exist 12 years unless we get rid of automobiles, trains, airplanes, and other devices.
They need to understand they are right in that this world we live in will end. It could be longer or it could be shorter than 12 years. They need to accept the fact that we going to either God’s heaven or to Satan’s torment.
If they want to be Biblically correct, this is the message to use. Warning people we don’t have long here whether by age or global warming. Warning people to get ready to meet in God’s heaven of perfect peace and happiness to live forever, otherwise it will be in the place of torment with Satan forever.
We see the signs of these times being fulfilled. We could name many. Most is the result of calling good evil and evil good. We know God is long suffering. He is sending many signs to America, but there comes a time that He will say, “My spirit will not always strive with man.”
Who wants to be politically correct when you can be Biblically correct?

Jim Troutman

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