God’s standards or political standards?
Published 8:44 am Wednesday, March 27, 2019
To the Editor:
Praise goes to Micah VanHuss and Matthew Hill and others who backed them. A common sense bill concerning the killing of babies, called abortion. It’s beyond human imagination, 60 million and still growing. It’s how the true issues are changed to a different meaning. Abortion means taking the life of the baby. Choice? To disregard what is right or wrong. Does the baby have a choice? Why does the government force taxpayers to pay $500 million to so called Planned Parenthood, when we know what it goes for?
Abortion means to abolish or do away with a child. The state of New York’s Governor Cuomo signed bills that allow physicians to finish the job if abortion fails. This is a state that forbids the death penalty for the vilest criminals. Who could have imagined what is happening in America? Calling good evil and evil good. Not many years ago Biblical principles had a strong influence on society. We should ask ourselves, would we rather be Biblically correct or politically correct. The most serious and damaging issues that can happen is when we leave moral Biblical standards.
There is arising agenda to destroy Christianity in America. Without Christ in our lives, no joy, peace, or future to look to. The political situation in America is beyond comprehension. America elected a president who had done more to bring this nation back to sanity. The will of the people, not the interest of politicians. Some politicians and others have persecuted and treated the president in a way we would never thought could happen. Could it be that God is showing America that he is still in control? Proud of our president, Donald Trump, and may God continue to bless America.
Jim Troutman