Reader: Confirm Judge Kavanaugh to high court
Published 10:16 am Monday, October 1, 2018
To the Editor:
The American Family Association (AFA) says Democrats are not the only ones contributing to the political circus swarming around the nomination of Judge Brett Kavanaugh to the U.S. Supreme Court. The U.S. Senate consists of 51 Republicans and 49 members who vote with Democrats, but not all Republicans are in support of Judge Brett Kavanaugh.
According to news reports as many as six GOP senators are non-committal in their support for Judge Kavanaugh: Susan Collins (R-ME), Mike Enzi (R-WY), Jeff Flake (R-AZ), Jerry Moran (R-KA), and Lisa Murkowski (R-AK).
The AFA says, for example, liberals will immediately use this same slimy tactic to destroy the significant number of President Trump’s district and appellate court judges yet to be confirmed. If the only judges that a GOP controlled Senate can confirm are the ones approved by radical liberals like Barack Obama, and Hillary Clinton, then the judiciary will be stacked with rogue judges who will misinterpret, overreach or twist the Constitution to advance their liberal agenda.
What’s at risk? Liberals desperately want absolute control of the courts to continue their full-throttled attack to destroy America. Liberals, for example, want to use the courts to create open borders, oppress gun owners, to force your town to be a sanctuary city for illegal aliens, and to allow boys who think they are girls into public school restrooms designated for girls only. To force Christian or faith-based adoption agencies and foster care agencies to close if they refuse to violate the religious conviction that children considered for adoption should be placed in a home with both a mother and a father. Four liberal states have passed state laws that closed Christian adoption agencies. The U.S. Congress is considering the Child Welfare Provider Inclusion Act to protect these Christian or faith based adoption agencies.
The U.S. Senate should confirm Judge Kavanaugh. Now is not the time to sit idly by and watch unsubstantiated 36-year-old accusations destroy Judge Kavanaugh and his family, too. I am impressed that Judge Kavanaugh has taught his daughter Christian principles as his 10-year-old daughter said she is praying for the woman accusing her father. The Bible says two or more witnesses are required to establish a crime or anything. Therefore Christians should support Kavanaugh. The U.S. Constitution gives the U.S. Senate the job of “advice and consent,” not attack and destroy!
D.D. Nave