This year’s Holy Week services outstanding
Published 9:00 am Wednesday, April 11, 2018
To the editor:
A great big thank you to the Elizabethton/Carter County Ministerial Association for the special Holy Week services. I have been attending these services for many years and this year was among the best ever.
As a product of the 50-60s Preaching Mission services, I have always enjoyed worshiping with my friends of different denominations. The speakers for each service this year were outstanding.
A great big thanks to the host churches for the lunch. Each service was prompt and short enough for persons to attend on their lunch hour from work.
I am so grateful to live in a community with an active ministerial association. If your pastor or congregation is not a member of this wonderful organization I encourage them to participate. It is amazing to get a little bit of Heaven when we can worship together (ie: Holy Week Services, Thanksgiving Service).
In Christ’s love,
Jean Madgett