A Life Lived: Rev. Bobby Stout was chosen by God to be a pastor to the community

Published 12:48 pm Tuesday, March 25, 2025

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According to the Scriptures, pastors are called by God to serve and lead His people. They are chosen and appointed to shepherd the flock, providing spiritual guidance and nurturing the faith of believers.

The Rev. Bobby Stout, who died on Jan. 29, served as pastor of Pleasant Beach Baptist Church for 43 years and became pastor emeritus of the church upon his retirement in 2012 — and he probably would have continued to pastor if his health had not failed him.

There’s a lot that has been said and written about Pastor Stout during his years as a pastor and even before. Stout was the youngest of 14 children and lived most of his life in Hampton. His mother died when he was 17 years old, and he went to live with a brother, Jarvis, who was a Carter County constable. He was a graduate of Hampton High School and played on the school’s basketball team coached by Buck VanHuss. Bobby was a member of the Bulldog basketball team, which won the Tennessee High School State Basketball Championship in 1960. Even after high school, the team stuck together through thick and thin and supported one another.

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Bobby was a “community” pastor. He not only visited the sick and hurting in his church, but he visited everyone he knew who had a need. He often spent his entire days at the hospital visiting the sick. His wife, Janice, shared that there were not many days during the week that Pastor Stout did not have a funeral — sometimes more than one a day.

Stout’s trademark was his smile and kind, gentle voice, which he wore just like the suit and tie he put on each day when he went visiting or ministering.

Janice lovingly shared: “Bob grew up with nothing, but God used him in a mighty way and met each need that he had. He never went hungry, always had a suit to wear, a roof over his head, food on the table, and a church and family that loved him.”

When Bob became too sick to pastor, he said, “I just don’t want to be a preacher. I want to pastor.” And that he continued to do as long as he was able.

He never quit witnessing, and he ministered to people over the telephone, praying and sharing God’s Word with them. “He had a heart for people,” shared Janice.

Stout often referred to Pleasant Beach as “the little church by the river.”

Janice shared that Pastor Bobby got up early each day and did his Bible study before he did anything else, and then he would begin his day of ministering and visiting. His day not only included ministering to church members, but he visited the nursing homes, shut-ins and veterans.

In addition to his ministry, Janice described Bobby as a “wonderful husband and father.” He and Janice were parents to two daughters, Tawana and Ladonna, and a son, Bobby Jr.

To Pastor Bobby, he was a little different in that Valentine’s Day was his favorite holiday — not Christmas. He was not one to buy Christmas gifts, but he enjoyed getting Valentines and giving them. “And he always sent thank-you cards. If you gave him a Coke, more than likely he would send you a card. He was grateful for what people did for him,” Janice said.

She also noted that Pastor Bobby was always for the underdog. “If you were poor, he treated you as though you were rich. He knew what it was to be poor because he had been there,” his wife shared.

Not surprisingly, Pastor Bobby’s favorite color was red “because of the blood of Jesus, which was shed not only for him, but for all.”

This past Christmas was among his best. His birthday was also in December. “He was very sick, but the Lord blessed him with cake, cards, people called, some came by. He got his wish. He kept loving and ministering to the end,” said Janice. “God really blessed him.”

Pastor Bobby was laid to rest Feb. 9 at Happy Valley Memorial Park. To the end, he provided spiritual guidance and nurtured the faith of believers. He truly was one of God’s chosen — one who devoted his all to his calling.