Writer focus on end-time prophecy signs to expect in 2025

Published 10:40 am Tuesday, January 7, 2025

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To the Editor:

The number one sign of these end times in 2025 is lying. Jesus warned in Matthew 24, “take heed that no man deceive you.” Paul also talking about the last days says, “evil men and seducers (deceivers) shall wax worse and worse. Americans have experienced more deception than ever before. One example is almost all of the major media and government said for years, Biden was very mentally fit. Because of all the lying it’s more important than ever to do as the Bible in 1 Thessalonians says, “Test (prove) all things; hold fast to that which is good.” We will see more violence in 2025. Experts say there are more gangs and terrorists in America than ever!

There will be more disasters in 2025 because the Bible says we are in the birth pains before the rapture and return of Jesus. Jesus said, “earthquakes in diverse places” is a sign of His soon return in Matthew 24. Brent Miller Sr. at www.prophecywatchers.com studied all the 6.4 and higher earthquakes over the last 100 years and found they have skyrocketed just as the Bible said they would. Hebrews 12 says at the end times God is sending a shaking. The shaking is to awake people to the fact time is running out before the seven year tribulation starts. After the tribulation Jesus rules the earth. 1 Peter 4 says: But the end of all things is at hand: therefore be sober (clear minded and self-controlled) and watch and pray. And above all things have love among yourselves!

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Jesus also said in Matthew 24 there would be pestilences which we call deadly viruses. The coronavirus from China is a deadly virus that began in 2020 after increased drone sightings. Biden extended the lawsuit protection for the “safe and effective” vaccine until 2029. Now with record drone sights we expect another pandemic in 2025. Brannon Howse said the man made or A.I .made fog also called smart dust is bad for your health. The Bible also says we will see increasing volcanoes in the end days before the return of Jesus. Joel 2 and Acts 2 say, “And I will show wonders in the heavens and in the earth, blood (lava), and fire and pillars of smoke.”  Mary Greeley said a huge underwater volcano off the Oregon coast is expected to erupt in 2025. The volcano is named Axial Seamount and could cause tsunamis. In Luke 21 one of the major signs Jesus mentions as preceding His return (aside from earthquakes, wars, and signs in the heavens) is that “nations will be in anguish and perplexity at the roaring and tossing of the sea.” Don’t live in New York or California as they are due for God’s great judgment. The late Dr. Thomas Horn believed the rapture would be in 2025. Dr. Horn said the Wormwood Asteroid mentioned in Revelation 8 called Apophis will hit California  on Friday, April 13, 2029. Dr. Horn said the Wormwood Asteroid impact happens in the middle of the tribulation, therefore if you back up three and a half years you have the tribulation beginning in October 2025 and the rapture sometime before that. NASA disagrees with Dr. Horn and says Apophis will miss the earth. God does many things at the same time. The rapture will cause worldwide great earthquakes. God can bring judgment while at the same time fulfill Bible prophecy. California built their nuclear plants close to the San Andreas earthquake fault. When the fault breaks much of California will be uninhabitable! The only thing more foolish is to say you don’t need Jesus and to not ask Jesus to forgive all your faults and sins!

We know the Bible is true because the Bible is the only book with hundreds of correct predictions of the future. The Bible says a city in Iran will have to be evaluated probably because they built their nuclear plant on an earthquake fault. Prophecy experts say expect months of no food, power outages, nuclear war and a pole shift during the tribulation. The magnetic north pole has moved more than ever before and could mean the pole shift is coming. The Day of the Lord (tribulation) is mentioned in Isaiah 2. It’s the day when God shakes terribly the earth. When man shall be humbled and brought low and when God alone shall be exalted! C.S. Lewis said being humble in the Bible doesn’t mean thinking low of yourself but it means not thinking of yourself at all and being unselfish. Humble yourself now and “seek the Lord Jesus while He may be found, call upon Him while He is near!”


D.D. Nave
