Prayer is vital

Published 8:22 am Monday, October 21, 2024

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From the writings of the Rev. Billy Graham


Dear Rev. Graham: Some of my Christian friends who work with me criticize and persecute me for not evangelizing during work hours. It doesn’t seem right, but I am aware that others are watching how I live. Am I being unfaithful to the Lord? – W.E.

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Dear W.E.: While Christians in our nation have not had to endure persecution for their faith to the same degree others have around the world, all Christians at times will encounter some form of persecution, sadly even from other Christians. Remember that Jesus said that because we belong to Him we will be persecuted, but He was persecuted first by the religious sect. As the book of James says concerning this, “Count it all joy when you fall into various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience” (James 1:2–3, NKJV).

Our example is Christ Himself. When He was ridiculed, He did not respond in kind. Others who are watching can be impacted greatly by our poise and grace in the face of mocking. Many times, these very people will seek us out to ask why we are different, why we respond with a loving attitude rather than a hostile reaction.

It is also important to pray for those who find fault because often our Christlike walk convicts their spirits and they seek retaliation to make them feel better about themselves. So, prayer is vital. It is difficult to resent someone while praying for the Lord to do a work in their heart.

The greatest impact we can have on others is to live a life that points to Jesus Christ – to be radiant in such a way that it will cause others to ask about our faith in Him.


(This column is based on the words and writings of the late Rev. Billy Graham.)