Hyder: A vote for democracy or dictatorship in November

Published 9:33 am Tuesday, July 9, 2024

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To the Editor:

To all voters who want to keep our freedoms and democracy as our forefathers set forth in the Constitution, you must come out in masses to vote for Joe Biden. 

President Biden has worked hard for our country, preserved our freedoms and brought in the best economy in years, especially while he dealt with the aftermath of a horrible pandemic that took so many of our loved ones. A pandemic that was not a Democratic hoax, that you couldn’t drink bleach to cure, or inject horse medication to get better, were but some of the solutions offered by Trump.  

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Now we are facing a horrible threat to our freedom and democracy, itself.  A proposal, drafted by the Republican fascist dictator wannabe party – MAGA Republicans – has a plan to turn our country into a dictatorship with Trump as the dictator. He even said this himself. And you best believe him. Want to know what to look forward to and how they plan to make it happen? Just go to Wikipedia for an in-depth summary of their plans.  

The Carter County Democratic Party is putting up a more concise rendering of the actual plan itself. Check the website. Trump has set up the US Supreme Court to get him out of accountability for his crimes and, in essence, give him permission to do anything he wants as president. If he goes back in, no one will be safe because he will have the power to put in jail and even assassinate anyone who dares challenge him. He will come for revenge on anyone who has said anything against him. He has hinted he will seek revenge. Women will become baby makers again and these will be the foot soldiers to be sacrificed when these fascists want to attack and rape a country for its assets. If you are on Trump and the MAGA Republican’s side, you are already a traitor to the USA. My dad fought in World War II to preserve our country from the hands of Hitler. If you love our country, preserve it at the voting booth.


J.E. Hyder
