Just another Downtown Saturday night – Elizabethton style

Published 1:48 pm Tuesday, June 25, 2024

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All across this great land that we call America, every small town has its own rendition of what a Downtown Saturday night is for them.

For some, it may be the quietness that seeps over the shops and empty parking lots after a week of wheeling and dealing in the businesses that frequent each side of the street.

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Others may find solace in a family stroll down the sidewalk of their downtown, possibly eating some fresh ice cream from the local creamery located on the corner of one of the side streets.

In Elizabethton, however, the summer finds cars, trucks and hot rods coming into town to secure a spot in one of the spaces where the cars are allowed to gather while their owners set up chairs in the shade of one of the canopies that cover the sidewalk in the downtown area.

And if that isn’t satisfying enough, one can take just a short walk down the street and over the Doe River Bridge, as the sound of music as part of the Covered Bridge Jams waffles through the evening air with the smell of freshly popped popcorn filtering through the hot and humid evening.

No matter what residents and visitors search for, there is a little space of small-town living to be found in Elizabethton.

After all, it’s just another Downtown Saturday night – Elizabethton style.