Abolish or defund ATF and Federal Dept. of Education
Published 12:43 pm Friday, February 17, 2023
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To the Editor:
I was happy to see Democrats and Republicans agree not to cut Social Security and Medicare and Medicaid. I agree with Congressman Matt Gaetz (R) who introduced a bill to abolish the federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives also known as the ATF, after a recent controversial ruling that would turn millions of American gun owners into criminals overnight. The ATF issued a new regulation that will classify pistols with stabilizing braces as short-barreled rifles which require a federal firearms license to own under the National Firearms Act. Now the ATF has issued a rule demanding Americans either “register” or “surrender” their lawfully owned firearms of which there are millions in American homes.
Rep. Gaetz introduced H.R. 374, the “Abolish the ATF Act,” on January 17, 2023 in response to the ruling. Gaetz said, “I have a lot of disabled veterans in my district who enjoy pistol shooting and rely on stabilizing braces to be able to engage in the activity.” Gaetz says the federal ATF was probably unconstitutional from the moment it went into existence in 1979. Each state could do the functions of the ATF and Gaetz said if he can’t abolish the ATF he will try to defund it. The ATF had 5,285 employees and received an annual budget of almost 1.5 billion in 2021.
The evil in Cain’s heart was the cause of the murder, not the availability of the murder weapon. The Bible says people are, “deceitful above all things and desperately wicked.” Mankind is sinful and so there’s a need for guns in the hands of responsible Christians and other peaceful people to protect themselves and others. The Bible says self-defense is a God given right and we have a responsibility to protect our family. Christians are commanded to submit to God and resist the devil. The Bible says the goal of the devil is to steal, destroy and kill.
The best way to resist the devil is to be armed with a firearm and the Word of God, the Bible. In Luke 22:35-38 Jesus commanded His disciples just before he left them to die on the cross to buy weapons. They said they got two weapons and Jesus said that’s enough. Therefore every church should have at the least two Christians armed with weapons in their church at all times.
Christians who know how to use their weapons should carry concealed weapons. In a dangerous world that is getting more dangerous in these last days (2 Timothy 3) before the return of Jesus, prayer plus preparedness as the old saying goes, “Praise the Lord God and pass the ammunition,” will remain wise.
The U.S. Constitution gives no power to the federal government for education. The federal Dept. of Education established in 1980 gets around the U.S. Constitution by giving money to the states with strings attached. Each state’s Dept. of Education could do a better job of teaching not indoctrinating students. The federal Dept. of Education can’t even teach students what a woman is and is therefore against the family. I believe the federal Dept. of Education budget is 94 billion dollars per year. The federal Dept. of Education functions could be better done at the state level and it should be abolished or defunded at the federal level. The Bible says parents are in control of their children’s education and should rear their children “in the fear and admonition of the Lord God!” No government agency or department should interfere with parents, absent their committing a crime!
Another way U.S. Congress should save billions of dollars is by stop sending any money or weapons to Ukraine because they have lost according to one source. On Feb. 3 they reported the narrative is changing and neocons admit Ukraine can’t win. A Germany newspaper said Ukraine is running out of men and is now sending men over 60 years old to the front line. On Feb. 15 the website reported Russia is winning little by little according to USA Today. Ukraine has been the source of all war info. Now even a pro-Ukraine reporter reports Russia is wearing down defenders in the Donbas. Knowing Russia is winning U.S. Secretary of State Blinken made an offer to Putin according to the Washington Post. Trouble is Putin doesn’t believe him because America has lied so much to him and even destroyed his gas pipeline. I know how Ukraine people feel America is getting destroyed little by little by many fires of food processing centers, many train derailments and millions of people crossing the border illegally! Thankfully Jesus will rapture Christians soon in the blink of the eye. The greatest earthquakes and disasters are coming during the seven-year tribulation. You aren’t promised tomorrow. You can’t count on your money or government. Only Jesus can you count on. Faith in Jesus and what Jesus accomplished on your behalf is the only thing that will save you from what’s coming. Admit you are a sinner and need Jesus the only Savior. Believe Jesus died for all your sins and rose again. Call on and pray to Jesus to save you now!
D.D. Nave