Harshbarger receives endorsement for Congress
Published 3:00 pm Friday, July 10, 2020
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To the Editor:
Thank you for the opportunity to share our letter with your readers especially during this unique 2020 primary season and year. We are certain things will get better and prayer does change things. “Prayer life matters!”
This is the time to make your vote count for this is the way our democracy changes things. We don’t change things by rioting, cheating, damaging businesses or by other destructive means. By voting you have a voice. We select a candidate not on the basis of race, ethnicity, gender or age but on the character and integrity of the person.
One of the many candidates running for the First Judicial District Congressman Roe’s seat is conservative Diane Harshbarger from Kingsport. Having known Diane for over 25 years, we are supporting her for many reasons including her strong support of President Donald J. Trump. Not because she is a woman, but because she is an outsider like President Trump. She will have a fresh perspective and determined spirit to stand with our President to Make America Greater than she’s ever been.
We are not interested in “politics as usual” with attorneys, doctors, or past representatives who have been part of the system for years gone by. Nor will we support someone who plays political games /exploits while profiting for themselves instead of representing their constituents. Some may say, she can’t win, but we say she can! Diane is an honest, hard working believer with strong moral principles that will fight for you.
As a proven business owner and dedicated mother, Diane understands the issues that affect families and businesses. She will stand with President Trump. Our support for Diane is about securing America first and protecting our national-regional security. She will be a defender for the unborn, and “fight tirelessly to ensure our second amendment rights.” These are just a few vital reasons to support Diane. Be sure to research the issues and her position statements on her website, https://www.votediana.com/issues.
We are praying for Upper East Tennesseans of the First Judicial District to “awaken” from slumber and vote for a true conservative, not a liberal or moderate republican but a true solid conservative. Early voting begins July 17 – July 31. Primary day is Thursday, August 6.
Doug and Liz Bushong
Johnson City