Robins prepare for springtime migration

Published 8:16 am Friday, January 24, 2020

Roy and Rosa Robin were among the members of the animal kingdom awaiting the arrival of spring.
They were dreaming about returning to their spring and summer home from their autumn and winter habitat. “I can’t wait to see our old neighborhood,” chirped Rosa. “I hope we have the same neighbors we had last year.”
“I hope so, too, honey,” Roy chirped affectionately. “Rex and I enjoyed digging for worms down by the river while you and Roberta were working on making our tree homes more beautiful than ever.”
“And since their tree house was next to ours, the time was especially delightful,” beamed Rosa.
“And that fact also came in handy because when the eggs were hatched and the baby robins were born, none of us had to go very far to bird-sit any of the young ones,” grinned Roy.
“You know, I believe last year’s spring and summer were the best I’ve ever experienced,” observed Rosa. “Most of the robins in our neighborhood seemed to be in a good mood most of the time. Everyone was so friendly and outgoing.”
“I even noticed that most of our fellow robins seemed to have an especially positive attitude,” Roy said. “Most robins seemed determined to be more thankful for their blessings than unthankful when something didn’t go their way.”
“That’s the way it’s supposed to be,” Rosa responded. “I believe the Sovereign Lord placed within each of His creatures both a desire and a need to be thankful to Him for all of His provisions.”
Roy told Rosa he had heard about the inclination of many humans to make a list of resolutions at the beginning of the year and pledge to do everything on that list for the entire year.
“What are some of the things these humans put on their list?” asked Rosa.
“Well, let’s see,” Roy mused. “Some of them resolve to lose weight, go to church on a more regular basis, treat their friends and family members better, keep their cars cleaner, eat a more healthy diet exercise more regularly, work harder at their place of employment, and be kinder to everyone.
“Do you think humans are very successful at keeping most of their resolutions?” asked Rosa.
“From the chirps I hear from all the other robins, I’d say they do pretty well on a big percentage of those resolutions,” Roy said. “The one they seem to have the most trouble keeping is treating other human beings … very humanely. So I wonder if they really have any idea as to the importance of making the resolutions … if they’re not committed enough to keep one of the most important ones!”
(To contact the writer of this column about speaking engagements (in the U.S.A.), including Christian Comedy Fundraising Outreaches, Christian Creativity Seminars and/or puppet ministry, please type “Speaking Engagements” in the subject line and e-mail or

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