The greatest and best gifts to give this Christmas
Published 9:47 am Monday, December 23, 2019
The most evil, sick gift I seen this year advertised is called “A Children’s Book of Demons.” The book teaches kids how to summon demons for personal benefit. It’s sold by major booksellers, such as Barnes and Noble, Walmart, Target and Amazon. The book’s publishers try to turn the evil act of summoning demons into a kid-friendly activity, saying,” summoning demons has never been so much fun.” No wonder exorcisms are on the rise. I agree with one reviewer who warned parents that demons “are evil and they don’t care about you or your children. They are liars, deceivers…They follow Satan and want you and your children to do the same.” said, “For sure, it’s all fun and games-until your head starts spinning around as you projectile vomit green slime.”
A great gift to give children or anyone else is a real Bible, as it can change their life. Other books inform, only the real Bible transforms. I say real Bible as today many books have been published that are called Bibles that aren’t. A paraphrase like “The Living Bible” or a bad paraphrase like “The Message” aren’t Bibles. To be a Bible, it must be an accurate word-for-word translation like the King James Version.
In Matthew 4, Jesus said, “Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes out of the mouth of God. Jesus said clearly every word. As Psalm 30 says, “Every word of God is (pure) flawless.”God has given us truth in every word of the Bible and the truth can’t be improved on! At Christmas, a great way to celebrate the Word( Jesus) becoming flesh is to give the word, read the word and believe the word!
The best gift is to read the Christmas story from the Bible to your children on Christmas. Also read from the Bible daily to them and take them to church. The best gift you can give friends and family is to write a few sentences testimony of how Jesus has changed you and what Jesus means to you and post it on Facebook. These are some ways to honor Jesus and make Christmas about more than gifts and more than about you! The Bible says we overcome by the blood of Jesus and the word of our testimony!
A wonderful show with a Biblical focus for kids is, “A Charlie Brown Christmas.” One Christian said look for the climactic scene when Linus shares, “What Christmas is all about,” Linus drops his security blanket for the first time when he utters the words, “fear not.” The birth of Jesus separates us from our fears. The Bible tells us nothing can separate Christians from the love of Jesus. Not even the soon coming seven-year tribulation when everything that can be shaken will be shaken. This could be the last Christmas before the rapture of Christians. While Christians look back and remember with joy the birth of Jesus. Christians are “looking for that blessed hope, and glorious appearing of the great God and our Savior Jesus Christ!
D.D. Nave