County schools release PSA about school safety
Published 8:32 am Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Director of County Schools Kevin Ward and County Sheriff Dexter Lunceford released a PSA on social media Monday morning about school safety, following “recent threats or received threats” in other school districts.
“We must be vigilant and aware for the safety of all students, faculty and staff,” Ward said.
He said any threat or semblance of a threat on social media must be viewed with the same level of seriousness as an actual incident. Such actions from a student comes with them disciplinary and possibly criminal action.
“In today’s world, social media is used for a lot of good communication between people,” Lunceford said. “But there is a downside. You need to know when you post a message on social media, it will be viewed by several thousands of people.”
He said things meant as simple jokes might be viewed as legitimate speech by others.
Ward said anyone who sees potentially dangerous messages should report them to the central office at 305 Academy Street, by phone, at 423-547-4000.
Lunceford said for those uncomfortable going through the school can call him at 423-213-3069.
The full PSA can be found here.