TSBA Director urges Lee to expand Medicaid

Published 8:43 am Wednesday, September 18, 2019

To the Editor:
Gov. Bill Lee thinks block grants will establish Tennessee as a leader in health care. Tennessee is indeed leading the nation, but in the wrong direction: fewer people had health insurance last year than the year before.
If Gov. Lee truly wants Tennessee to lead in the right direction, he must reconsider his decision to pursue the unproven outcomes of Medicaid block grants when Medicaid expansion has proven to be successful in neighboring states like Kentucky. In the business world, competition is not about being the first for the sake of being first, it is about what is best for customers and the sustainability of the business.
We urge Gov. Lee to do what is best for Tennessee’s health care system and expand Medicaid.

Lenda Sherrell, Director
TN Small Business Alliance

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