September is National Preparedness Month
Published 9:39 am Monday, August 26, 2019
To the Editor:
September is National Preparedness Month and the 2019 theme is, “Prepared, Not Scared.”
National Preparedness Month (NPM) is recognized each September to promote family and community disaster and emergency planning now and throughout the year. NPM encourages Americans to take steps to prepare for emergencies in their homes, businesses, schools and communities. NPM is sponsored by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) who disseminates information to help the general public prepare for and respond to emergencies, including natural disasters and potential terrorist attacks. See
Experts say every family should keep a full tank of gas, have a preplanned meeting place, flashlights, batteries, first aid kit, duct tape and plastic sheeting. Experts say have a month’s supply of water, canned or non-perishable food and non-electric can opener. Sambucol (black elderberry) is also great for cold and flu relief and helps your immune system. Proverbs 30 praises ants as “extremely wise” for storing up many months of food. The book of Proverbs twice says, “A wise man forseeth evil (danger) and hideth (protects) himself; but the simple pass on and are punished.”
Dr. Peter Pry believes that the electrical grid should be hardened and people should prepare themselves for the possibility of a blackout. A cyber-attack, physical sabotage or EMP could easily destroy our electric grid. It’s estimated that an electric power blackout for one year would kill over 90 percent of all Americans due to starvation, social unrest, medical and health issues.
Dr. John McTernan said, “The time has come that every church have a security plan to protect the people. There’s no excuse for not having a plan which includes armed people in the church at all times.” Most importantly all people need to plan and prepare spiritually for death by trusting and having a relationship with Jesus. Call 1-888-need him. Disasters strike at anytime. The Bible says in the end days before the return of Jesus we will see record disasters such as earthquakes and tidal waves. Tidal waves can be caused by earthquakes, volcanoes or nuclear bombs. The Bible says we will see record violence and evil as the days of Noah before the return of Jesus. Make plans now to get on the ark (Jesus) before it’s too late. “If you fail to plan then you plan to fail!”
D.D. Nave