Getting the grade… 2019 performance evaluation in for Director of Schools
Published 6:00 am Friday, July 19, 2019
Elizabethton City School board members recently performed their annual performance evaluation for Director of Schools Dr. Corey Gardenhour and the results were compiled and made available by board chair Rita Booher during their scheduled meeting Tuesday evening.
There were 52 items that each member graded Dr. Gardenhour on and responded with one to five stars for each question and provided comments if they so chose.
The questions were broken down into sections that included board relationship, community relationships, staff and personnel relationships, educational leadership, business and finance, and strategic planning skills.
Due to the length of the evaluation, each question cannot be reviewed but based on the star scoring system, a few will be included:
Five Star *****
-Supports board policy and actions to the public and staff.
-Supports and encourages corporate structure of Board.
-Works effectively with public and private agencies.
-Ensures that adequate planning and evaluation of curriculum and instruction occurs.
-Oversees a program of staff evaluation and improvement.
-Provides accurate and timely reports to the Board on the financial condition of the school system.
-Develops a Five Year Plan, which includes strategies, goals, and projected student outcomes.
Four Star ****
-Maintains a positive and productive relationship with the Board.
-Refrains from criticism of the Board or members of the Board.
-Keeps Board informed of employment, promotion, and dismissal of personnel.
-Achieves status as a community leader in public education.
-Represents the best interests of the Board in working with teachers and their organizations.
-Promotes academic rigor and excellence for students.
-Has a vision and communicates a mission for the school system.
Three Star ***
-Keeps all board members informed on issues, needs, and operation of the school system.
-Exercises good judgment and objectivity in making recommendations to the Board.
-Builds public support for the school district.
-Develops and executes sound personnel procedures and practices.
-Maintains a sound philosophy of educational needs of all pupils.
-Ensures that funds are spent wisely, and adequate control and accounting are maintained.
-Inspires others to achieve the vision of the school system.
Two Star **
-Develops good staff morale and loyalty to the organization.
-Delegates authority to staff members appropriate to the position each holds.
One Star *
Overall, Dr. Gardenhour received 13 five stars, 14 four stars, 23 three stars, and two two-star marks.
Board chair Booher advised that she and Dr. Gardenhour would be working on a plan to address improving areas that were identified for the upcoming year.