Earth Day — climate change is God’s call

Published 8:38 am Monday, April 22, 2019

To the Editor:
April 22 is Earth Day and with more than one billion people now participating in Earth Day activities it makes it the largest civic observance in the world. For decades the environmental movement has wrongly claimed earth is threatened by the activity and existence of people and said we must pay billions of dollars to the U.N. and must give up our liberties to “save” the planet. Liberal environmentalists want to outlaw air conditioning which would cause some people to die. Some environmentalists want to have “climate change deniers” imprisoned. Environmentalists exaggerate dangers to the environment while prohibiting those that disagree with them from being heard. The 2009 Climate-gate scandal showed how climate scientists can be bought and spread fake news. Hackers broadcasted hundreds of incriminating e-mails, revealing scientists deliberately deleted evidence of data fraud prior to an expected Freedom of Information request.
Environmentalists want to lower carbon dioxide which they consider a pollutant which will cause higher electric bills for everyone and hurt the poor the most. Dr. Richard Lindzen, professor at MIT, said, “Carbon dioxide is not a pollutant.” “There is clear evidence increased atmospheric carbon dioxide is environmentally helpful to food crops and other plants that nourish all life,” Lindzen said. “It is plant food, not poison.” About 10,000 scientists with the highest college degrees agree with him. See This shows environmentalists are lying when they say all scientists agree with them and the “science is settled.” According to the National Center for Policy Analysis man-made carbon dioxide amounts to under 4 percent of all carbon dioxide. The truth is there are many variables affecting earth’s climate, the biggest effect coming from the sun. Professor Philip Stott said, “Climate is the most complex, coupled, non-linear, chaotic system known to man.” “Major reductions in carbon emissions are not worth the money,” Stott said.
Some liberal environmentalist show more concern for land, plants and animals than for people. Many have selective compassion and hear and care about the howl of the wolf or squeal of a dolphin but are deaf to the cry of an unborn child. The Bible says, “A righteous man cares for the needs of his animals.” However, Jesus made a distinction between animals and persons. Jesus said, “Are you not much more valuable than they?” The Bible teaches only humans are created in God’s image with a soul, making them the most valuable resource on earth. Christians are more focused on saving souls not the earth and focused on the creator (Jesus) more than the creation. While it’s good to pick up litter and take care of God’s creation, it’s of the highest importance to get to know God and obey and care about the Creator. It says in John 17, “This is eternal life, that they might know thee the only true God and Jesus Christ, whom thou has sent.”
John Coleman, the founder of the weather channel, said while he loves our environment as much as anyone he disagrees with the United Nations’ religion of climate change. Coleman said U.N. climate agreements are all about empowering the U.N. and have nothing to do with the climate. Coleman said the former head of the U.N. climate panel declared global warming “is my religion.” Earth/nature worship has gotten into some churches and some books used by churches. The Message “Bible” adds earth reverence as a new requirement to go to heaven in 1 Corinthians 6. The Message inserts the phrase “use and abuse the earth” as a great evil that keeps one from going to heaven. No other Bible includes this. It’s disturbing some T.V. preachers quote from it. Jesus said live by every word that comes from God, not a bad paraphrase like The Message. Use only a word for word translation like the King James. The Message shouldn’t be used by any Christian church because it isn’t trustworthy and puts political correctness over accuracy. Some aren’t happy with “the old time religion” and use their own translation to make their own kind of religion. If your church uses The Message move to a church using real Bibles.
God is in control of the climate and uses it to bring judgment. The Bible tells us what climate to expect. The Bible says in Psalm 9:17 “the wicked shall be turned into hell and all nations that forget God.” We just saw the greatest flooding of American farm land in history which will cause the price of food to go up. It would be wise to plant a garden and have extra cans of food in your home. Experts say America’s enemies or the sun could cut off electric power for months. The media is strangely silent about the increase in volcano eruptions and earthquakes that are a sign of the soon coming of Jesus and tribulation. The Bible says in Joel 2 and Acts 2, “I will show wonders in heaven above, and signs in the earth beneath, and blood (lava) and fire and smoke (volcanoes).” God will soon burn one-third of the earth during the tribulation probably from all volcanoes erupting at the same time or an ejection from the sun. A pole shift and the greatest earthquake in history is also coming during the tribulation that could cause dams to break. The Bible says only with the blood of Jesus covering our sins will we escape the wrath to come! You won’t get eternal life by feeling God in nature or helping the environment, but only through a relationship with Jesus that changes your nature. The Bible says, “What would it profit a man if he gain the whole world and lost his soul?” C.S. Lewis advised: “Aim at heaven and you get earth thrown in, aim at earth and you get neither!”

D.D. Nave

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