Parents encourage their son to ‘save for a rainy day’
Published 8:13 am Friday, March 15, 2019
By Greg Miller
Abraham and his wife, Ava, had been blessed many years ago with a son, Adam.
Abraham asked Adam, now 13, “What do you plan to do after you complete high school and college?”
“I’m just 13 years old, dad,” Adam replied. “There will be plenty of time for that decision after I graduate.”
Abraham worked as a financial advisor, so he was well aware of the financial problems experienced by numerous hard-working people. “Listen, son,” said Abraham. “I talk to people every day, and they say they wish their parents had spoken to them about planning for a career, family, and many other aspects of life many years earlier. Some of them have severe financial problems because they didn’t make the proper plans ahead of time.”
“So what advice are you giving me, dad?”
“I think you should open a special ‘rainy day’ savings account. I’m proud of you for working part-time at the local supermarket bagging groceries. You’re learning important people-related skills and you’re earning some money. That’s a great start toward a career, but if you save just a small amount every week, when something unforeseen happens you’ll be better prepared to handle the situation.”
“What type of situation?”
A lot of things can happen, but the Bible says in Proverbs 6:6-8, “Go to the ant, thou sluggard; consider her ways, and be wise: which having no guide, overseer, or ruler, provideth her meat in the summer, and gathereth her food in the harvest.’ Even the ants are taught to save, so we should take a lesson from them.”
“You may have to go to the doctor and need money for medicine. Or you might need to purchase a special gift for an extraordinary person in your life.”
“You’re one of the most extraordinary people in my life, dad,” said Adam.
“Thanks, son, and you did remember that today is my birthday, right?”
“I sure did,” chuckled Adam. “You just reminded me.”
Adam thought for a moment. “Tell you what, dad, if you’ll loan me the money, I’ll take you out to eat at your favorite restaurant, and I’ll pay you back next week when I get my paycheck from the supermarket. And I’ll also start one of those ‘rainy day’ accounts we’ve been talking about. By the way, I’ve figured out why it’s called a ‘rainy day’ account.”
“You have?”
“It’s now raining outside, and I can see how a ‘rainy day’ account could come in handy at just the right time.”
“And it could even come in handy on a non-rainy day,” grinned Ava. “Even on a non-rainy day.”
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