So many churches, so many doctrines: Discerning what is right, and what is wrong
Published 8:47 am Friday, February 1, 2019
With so many different churches, and each teaching different doctrines, how can they all be right?
As we survey the spiritual landscape in our world, we see there are many different churches. It is interesting that each one claims to be right with God. Many of these churches do good works in the community and attract good and honest people as members. With this being so how can any church be wrong?
Indeed, if we look at the many churches throughout the world with only a humanistic view point, then it would be hard to condemn any of them. Who would want to?
Even so many see the real problem, not everyone can be right and disagree doctrinally at the same time. The modern philosophy is to be tolerant and accepting of anything and everyone. But this is the very point, it is the heart of the problem. Truth is always the truth and if it opposes some organizations then they are wrong. This is true regardless of the many good deeds that they may be doing in the world.
The time is past when we should look on religion with rose colored glasses. To do so is to focus only on the good an organization does and miss the greater truths and aspects of religion. We should never forget that we are to serve God; but we must do so in God’s ways.
While the good social deeds that many religions do are not wrong from mankind’s viewpoint they cannot and must never be a replacement for following God’s instructions. Failing to be obedient to God in fact makes void the good works that may be accomplished by good and religious people.
We must have a desire to serve and please God. Pleasing God demands unity among those who claim to be believers of Him. We must always remember that God hates division. In John 17:21, Jesus prayed, “… that they may all be one; even as thou, Father, (art) in me, and I in thee, that they also may be in us: that the world may believe that thou didst send me;” (ASV). However, such division as exists in our world today shows that someone is wrong. Since we know God does not approve of division it should be our goal to eradicate such in our time.
Jesus said, “… upon this rock, I will build my church …” (Matthew 16:18). There is no doubt that this promise of Jesus is singular. Yet, singularity is opposed by nearly every “Christian religion” in the world. You see, there are literally thousands of religious people in all nations of the earth practicing some kind of religion, and many of these religions are completely in contradiction one with the other. This proves the point that not all of them can be right.
So, we should ask, if there is one correct church, how do we find the right church? How does one find the religion that is sanctioned by God? While it may seem unpopular, the answer is quite simple. One can find the answer through study and observation. We must study the Word of God to understand God’s command concerning worship and living as a child of God. We then search and find that organization on earth and follow by accepting God’s commands.
Next week we will continue to discuss this most important topic.
(Tony Hoss is minister at Centerview Church of Christ, Elizabethton.)