WCCVFD begins 48th year, makes appeal for funds to continue service
Published 11:38 am Wednesday, October 25, 2017
To the editor:
The West Carter County Volunteer Fire Department is in its 48th year of service. We have mailed out our fall fundraising letters, and our annual meeting to elect directors and officers was Oct. 24.
WCCVFD provides skilled service with state certified firefighters and professional equipment. During the past 47 years our dedicated volunteer firefighters have saved several lives and tens of thousands of dollars in property.
The WCCVFD maintains an ISO rating of 5 which has reduced some homeowners’ insurance premiums. Without this rating, insurance costs to some homeowners would rise significantly. We have begun replacing protective turn-out outfits for firefighters and aging air packs without which we cannot answer fire calls. The cost for this necessary equipment is staggering, over $7,000 to equip one firefighter.
We urge each household and business to respond to our fundraising letter with a contribution no matter how small. WCCVFD raises needed money only by mail appeal. We do not make phone or door-to-door solicitations. Donations may be tax deductible.
WCCVFD answers all calls and makes no charges. No one in the WCCVFD receives a salary. All contributions are used to pay for utilities, maintenance, and equipment. Without these donations this free service cannot continue at its present level. Our community is fortunate to have citizens willing to volunteer their service and risk their lives for us all. The least we can do is equip them and keep them as safe as possible.
Bill Gwaltney, President
West Carter County Volunteer Fire Department