Upcoming obstacle course race and fun run not for the faint of heart

Published 9:58 am Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Contributed Photo  The tire stutter step obstacle requires racers to high step through the holes and then to continue running to the next obstacle. Deerslayer Cochairman Frank Calderala said this image, taken at a Chattanooga obstacle race, depicts what racers can expect with this obstacle, minus the mud.

Contributed Photo
The tire stutter step obstacle requires racers to high step through the holes and then to continue running to the next obstacle. Deerslayer Cochairman Frank Calderala said this image, taken at a Chattanooga obstacle race, depicts what racers can expect with this obstacle, minus the mud.

Training season is in full swing for athletes participating in the first-ever Deerslayer 5K Obstacle Course Race and Fun Run. The race takes running a 5K to the next level by incorporating up to 20 obstacles like a bucket carry, ladder wall, water slide, spear throw, barbed wire belly crawl and tire flip.
If you resolved to get fit in the New Year, this event will test your progress by engaging strength, endurance and agility.
The challenging course will navigate Johnson City’s Winged Deer Park —hence the name “Deerslayer” — on April 16. Start times will be staggered, beginning at 8 a.m.
Participants registering in their first obstacle course race are encouraged to participate in the fun run, in which they may complete obstacles as a team and utilize certain easements throughout the course.
The competitive race rules are more strict and participants may not assist one another. Completing every obstacle is required, though some allow multiple attempts, and winners will be awarded in categories based on completion rates and times. Cash prizes will be awarded to three males and three females.
In both the fun run and competitive race, some obstacles may merit jumping jack penalties if not completed.
Racers may wear gloves, compression gear, padding, knee and joint braces and tape, but no spike or cleats are allowed.
While many rules and explanations of obstacles are explained online at jcdeerslayer.com, they are subject to change.
Registration is open till April 14, and no race day registration is permitted. Racers must be 18 or older and must bring proper identification in order to check in.
Entry fees are $55 per person until March 15, when fees increase to $60. Interested applicants may register online at jcdeerslayer.com or at the Memorial Park Community Center (MPCC) at 510 Bert St., Johnson City.
Packets must be picked up at the MPCC with proof of identification on April 14 or 15 between 4 and 8 p.m. or on race day at 7 a.m. All participants will receive an event shirt and medal.
Race proceeds will benefit the Johnson City Senior Foundation, which provides activities and services for seniors like health information and screenings, Senior Chorale, Christmas boxes to homebound elderly residents and transportation services to day outings with a wheelchair-accessible bus. Some proceeds from the race will help to continue these efforts and other funding initiatives which the foundation provides to the Johnson City Senior Center at the MPCC.
Last year, the Senior Center provided 136 Christmas boxes, and Office Manager Donna Campbell said they hope to provide 200 this year to seniors that do not receive resources from other agencies.
Campbell said the Foundation’s board is comprised entirely of volunteers working together to improve the lives of seniors in Johnson City and in the surrounding area.
Volunteers are encouraged to register to assist with packet pickup and race day activities. Approximately 100 are needed.
For more information about the Foundation or the race, call the MPCC at 423-434-6237.

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