Reunions – Published July 27
Published 12:20 am Saturday, July 26, 2014
Arnold-Ward Family
The Isaac and Molly Arnold Ward Family Reunion will be held Saturday, July 26, from 11 a.m. until 4 p.m. at Friendship Freewill Baptist Church Fellowship Hall in Hampton.
Those attending are asked to bring a covered dish. Photos and stories will be appreciated.
For more information, call 440-6140 or 725-3571.
Waycaster-Radford Family
The Austin Odel and Clercy Waycaster Radford 43rd Annual Family Reunion will be held Saturday, July 26, at the Sinking Creek Baptist Church Pavilion, 2313 Elizabethton Highway, Johnson City.
All family members and friends are invited. Those attending are asked to arrive at noon or before and to bring a covered dish and dessert for a meal to be served at 1 p.m. Also, please bring a donation to the Silent Auction.
For more information, call 725-4004.
Timbs Family
The descendants of William “Bill” and Mary Jane Potter Timbs will hold their annual family reunion at the Watauga Valley Freewill Baptist Church Fellowship Hall on Saturday, July 26, at 1 p.m. The church is located on Highway 91 just above Unaka High School.
Those attending are asked to bring covered dishes and desserts.
For more information, call Louise Timbs at 543-1858.
Boy Scout Troop 31
Boy Scout Troop 31 will have a reunion on Saturday, July 26. Calling all former Troop 31 scouts and leaders.
For information and to RSVP visit: search: Troop 31 reunion Elizabethton TN.
Deloach Family
The descendants of Emmert Doc and Wilda Deloach will have their annual reunion on Saturday, Aug. 2, at the home of Ray and Brenda Loveless. Everyone is asked to bring a covered dish.
For more information, call Gaye Loveless at 542-8129.
Montgomery Family
The descendants of Robert and Rosa Hicks Montgomery will hold their annual family reunion on Saturday, Aug. 2, at 11 a.m. at the Hampton Christian Church Fellowship Hall.
All family members are urged to attend and are requested to bring a covered dish and dessert. Barbeque will be served. Please join us for fun and fellowship.
For more information, call Gary at 383-2856.
Hendrix Family
The Hendrix Family Reunion will be held Sunday, Aug. 3, at the Central Community Christian Church which is located just off Smalling Road in Carter County.
Bring a covered dish and plan to join others in a family meal at 1 p.m. Eating and drinking utensils will be provided.
For more information, call 931-261-4386.
Hatley/Davenport Family
The Hatley and Davenport Family Reunion will be held Sunday, Aug. 3, at Elk River Baptist Church, Highway 321, beginning at 1 p.m.
Those attending are asked to bring food and drinks. Friends are welcome.
For more information, call Erlene Garland at 768-3106.
Gap Creek/Upper Gap Creek Schools
Former students of Gap Creek and Upper Gap Creek Schools are invited to a reunion Saturday, Aug. 16, at 4 p.m. at Happy Valley High School.
Class members are requested to bring finger foods and drinks.
For more information, call Judy Kyte Kelly at 213-3204, Patsy Hayes Johnson at 542-5460 or Vella Chambers Tester at 895-0446.
USS Long Beach CGN-9
The USS Long Beach CGN-9 Association, Inc. 2014 Reunion will be held in St. Louis, Mo., Sept. 8-14, at the Hilton St. Louis Airport, 10330 Natural Bridge Road, St. Louis, Mo. The room rate is $89 including all taxes and includes breakfast for two people. Make sure you ID yourself as a member of the USS Long Beach Association Reunion. Phone 314-426-5500.
For more information, contact Don Shade at 866-352-2469 or 716-569-2314. Email: Website: