Humphrey: Win ‘vote of confidence’
Published 8:59 am Wednesday, May 7, 2014
Carter County Mayor Leon Humphrey will now face current State Representative Kent Williams in the August general election to determine who will hold the county’s highest government seat.
Humphrey won the Republican primary with 54.6 percent of the vote, totaling 5,076 votes. Challenger Joel Street came in a close second with 45.08 percent of the vote with 4,191. There were 30 write-in votes.
“It was good race,” Humphrey said. “It was a clean race.”
Humphrey said it has been a pleasure serving Carter County since 2010 and he looks forward to the opportunity to serve again if he is able to win again in the August general election.
“I greatly appreciate the vote of confidence,” Humphrey said. “My commitment to accountability, transparency and sound business practice is as strong as ever. If I am elected going forward, I am going to continue to work in the best interest of the citizens of Carter County.”
Humphrey said he hasn’t had time to look at the results of the Carter County commissioners’ races, but he was looking forward to being able to work with the new commissioners after the August election if elected.
“My goal as mayor is going to be to focus my energy on the new commissioners,” he said.
Humphrey said he would work to provide training with County Technical Assistance Service to and would be hosting workshops on the county level to provide education to the new commissioners. He said any commissioner who was willing could also receive certification as a certified public administrator.
“I hope we can get a new start on fresh footing,” Humphrey said. “I am really encouraged looking at the number of new commissioners, and looking forward to how we can work in the best interest of Carter County.”
Street could not be reached for comment before deadline.
Humphrey led in 12 districts and early voting. Street led in 10 districts. Humphrey carried Central, Keenburg, Range, Watauga, Courthouse, Siam, Armory, Happy Valley, Elk Mills, West Side, Harold McCormick and High School precincts along with early voting. Street carried Hunter, Midway, Unaka, Tiger Valley, Roan Mountain, Little Milligan, Hampton, Valley Forge and Gap Creek precincts.